Monday, February 10, 2014

Special BOT Meeting Tomorrow at 1pm

There's a special Board of Trustees Meeting tomorrow at 1pm in the CSU Library. The only items on the agenda will require the board to go into executive session for discussion of employment matters, legal and collective bargaining matters. It will be interesting to see whether the board will weigh in on the Angela Henderson scandal and what their stance will be relative to the issue of Chicago State's academic integrity. Most interesting, these meetings require 48 hours notice. The university's web site posted the notice for this special meeting yesterday morning around 7am, just a few hours more than the statutory requirement. I guess the CSU administrative folks don't want this information widely disseminated. I encourage all faculty to attend and observe our board in action. Here's the agenda:

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if BOT members could be provided with handouts containing some of the commentary from news outlets like The Chronicle of Higher Education or the AAUP academic blog. That way they can look at the image of CSU that Lil Wayne has built while they talk.
