So loyal readers, I was
recently informed that your humble narrator supported the Board of
Trustees hiring of the university president by no less a figure than
the President himself. Imagine my shock in being told this. I would
appreciate that if someone is going to lie about something I said or
did, they would extend me the courtesy of lying about me behind my
So for the record that can't be erased, let me state
unequivocally I have opposed the hiring, installation and continued appointment of the current president. I trust, you my loyal readers
recall numerous blog posts outlining the frequent and continuing
missteps of this President and his CCREP sycophants. I also trust that
those present in April 2009 will remember a blistering inquiry of
then applicant Watson including questions about his experience at
doctoral degree granting institutions, experience as a faculty
member, publication record and fund raising experience. So for your
humble narrator to be so blatantly misrepresented was to say in a
word, curious.
I have the sense there is
a degree of consternation within the regime about the impending HLC
visit. Fears of faculty “going rogue”, “dirty laundry” being
aired (instead of cleaned) and words presented to the team that don't
present the institution in the best light, yet are true, seem to be
troubling the regime as the “Listening Tour” visits academic
departments to scare, intimidate or otherwise influence faculty to
maintain the party line. I am unconvinced that the regime's
propaganda will carry the day. Rather, what is true about this
institution will be conveyed. The first truth is that our faculty
does remarkable work in an environment that is often hostile to
academic productivity. The second truth is that our students work
through many obstacles created by this administration to reach matriculation. The third truth is that students and faculty succeed in
spite of this administration, not because of it. I believe that when
the HLC team visits they will see who does a good job here and who
doesn't. I also believe that our accreditation is safe if the
critical factor is academic performance. Our accreditation is clearly
at risk if the critical factor is administrative performance.
And for the record, my
continuing critique of this administration does not mean I am
attempting to harm the university. Rather, I believe as a long
serving tenured faculty member, I am trying my very best to protect
the university from the vagaries of the transients known as administrators. I, like
my long serving/suffering colleagues, are trying to protect the
reputation of an institution that continues to have its management
shoot itself in the foot and then wonder why the university is
limping along.
The jobs we have at a
university are hard. Of that there is no doubt. There is no dishonor
in the admission of being over-matched. There is dishonor in being
over-matched and denying that when there is evidence to the contrary. And that first piece of evidence may be the working conditions that faculty and staff find themselves in when the HLC team arrives. After years of "right-sizing", layoffs, ill-conceived reorganizations, threats, complaints, lawsuits and numerous memos threatening termination if there is no compliance, the Visitation Team may just see what most of us have experienced since July 2009. The Team might draw the same conclusions most of us have already, that the university is in a dive and its future is in jeopardy if we continue with this regime. I would hope they would see who is over-matched and demand they be gone in that genteel, academic way we say things.
And so our inexorable journey
You might want to jog the memory of the president by directing his attention to the You Tube videos of his interviews at CSU. The one speaking of his leadership skills in answer to a question from Dr. Beverly is particularly informative. Sorry I can't link to it right now, but go take a look.